Paigam E Waris
Hazrat Al Haaj Sufi Shaykh Rafique Ali Shah Warsi
Silsila ‐ E ‐ Warsiya…The Sufi chain of incompatible and endless love.
Connect with us to know more about the teachings and principle of 18th century Sufi Saint, 26th generation of Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S), founder of Warsi silsila, master of love, Hazrat Haji Hafiz Sayed Waris Ali Shah Rahmatullah Alaih with the blessings and best guidance as per Ahl-Ul‐Sunnat wal Jamat through our guide, a descendant of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq Radiallahu Taa'la Anhu renowed Warsi ehramposh Hazrat Al‐Haaj Sufi Rafique Ali Shah Warsi.